Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Edited Artist Statement

I rewrote my artist statement, let me know what you guys think.

In most of my pieces I try to convey the idea of contrast. I feel very strongly that to fully appreciate something, you must also experience its opposite, its most commonly known concept, yin and yang. In my self portrait (2) I set the exaggerated eye forward so that it differs from the background. This was also the first piece in which I started using cardboard. Without having the idea of contrast in mind when starting my triptych (4, 5, 6), it ended up symbolizing my belief that life can come from the death of something else. The four smaller pieces (1, 3, 7, 8) are made of string, which slightly shows a 3D contrast to the flat cardboard. Even the slightest difference is still a difference. Art to me is a way to visualize ideas that I would otherwise be unable to explain, a way to bring forward that which is sometimes hard to put into words. Like this whole paragraph.

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