Sunday, March 21, 2010

Chris Demchak - Don Voisine Critique Response

I didn't really know how this critique was going to play out, so I wanted to come prepared. I originally thought that I wasn't going to have enough to show him, but I soon found out that my portfolio was much bigger than I thought. I packed up my paintings and drawings from semesters past and gave him a good, diverse amount of pieces for him to work with.

He was quick to point out that he was not an educator, nor was he too savvy about talking about art. I quickly realized my mistakes of giving him too much to work with and not having a cohesive theme to my little presentation. He did like my relief self-portrait with the Styrofoam and said I should continue with that idea.

Really the best advise I received was from the guy he was with who told me it's best to show a few of your best works that are similar in medium/idea so you can have something specific to talk about instead of going in all these different directions. While I already sort of knew this, it was hard for me to find such works because my portfolio is so very diverse at this point.

The best thing was that I felt completely comfortable talking to the two of them, and I felt I could've just sat down and talked to them about art all day.

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