Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Amber Remaley- Jenny Holzer “Truisms”

Visiting Jenny Holzer’s truisms at the court house was a whole another level of art to me. In my head art is a classical painting or a Greek figure sculpture, but this I couldn’t put my head around it. The marble benches were benches that the public could sit on, but also visional art, with lines of poetic truisms craved in. This form of art was different to me, and I actually couldn’t comprehend it at first. Each line was like a riddle fortune cookie, but looking at her websites I got a better appreciation for her work. Each line is a wise expression of advice, it make me think and realize the truth behind it.

-“Being alone with yourself is increasingly unpopular”
This line reminds me of high school. The shy kids are sometimes loners and will never make friends or become popular by only staying in their bubble by themselves.

-“Confusing yourself is a way to stay honest”
I want to put this truism on a shirt foe my mom. When she tells small lies, a lot of the time she forget about them, so in the end she must become honest and tell the truth when she caught up in a lie.

-“Even your family can betray you”
Growing up I always heard, “Blood is thicker than water”, but the fact is just because their related to you doesn’t mean they can’t betray, if anything the betray of a family member will hurt more.

-“Money creates taste”
This line goes a lot for celebrities, once they have fame and fortune they have the hottest car and the newest styles of clothes, just because they can afford it now.

-“Push yourself to the limit as often as possible”
This is a great truism for our class. Right now we are all trying to push are self’s with our creative styles of art. Every time I do a painting I try to push myself to make it better then the late one.

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