Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Kylie Sandt - Whitney Response

Piotr Uklanski

This was probably my favorite piece in Whitney. It's size as you walked into the room forced you to look at it. Then when I actually took in the piece it seemed primitive to me, but in a good way, and of course that is what I liked about it. (Thank you Deanna for the picture)

Kate Gilmore

I initially did not care for the performance video/sculpture by Kate Gilmore because it seemed feminist and I am generally turned off by feminist art. However, after I looked her up and watched some of her other videos I grew to really like her, so many different people can relate to her easily.

Lee Bontecou

I really liked how this piece felt cold and mechanical, but it's "mouth" personified it and gave it personality. I also appreciated how it was constructed with metal and...canvas was it? Because of it's personality, when I think about the artist constructing it I feel like she gave birth to it, but isn't that like all artists? Kind of a twisted idea in some cases.

George Condo

This piece really intrigued me because it took me a while to realize what it actually was. You really have to look at it in the right lighting and at the right angle.

Duane Hanson

How many people did this piece confuse I wonder? I walked into the room and almost thought this was live performance art. But no, it was only a super realistic sculpture of a woman and her dog.


  1. When I walked in, there was a security guard behind her and I thought he was fake too for a moment. Then he moved! :)

  2. Interesting choices. Piotr Uklanski was one of my favorites as well. Would also be great as a stage set.

    Lee Bontecou has a fascinating story. Was at the top of the art world and just walked away. To Pennsylvania. Check her out.

    Duane Hanson: He's made "Security Guards" too.

