Monday, April 12, 2010

Banana Factory Internship: Deanna

My visit to the Banana Factory was more fun than it was educational. We were greeted by Rachel immediately who was ready for us to work! Vanessa and I were assigned to cover scuffs on the wall in the Crayola Gallery while Kylie was across the hall doing the same thing in another gallery. This seemed like a simple task for us but it was actually very time consuming and my hands were cramping up. Then while Kylie was organizing paints and taping walls, Vanessa and I moved out into the hallway and fixed more scrapes on the walls. Those few jobs took up the whole time we had. I was really surprised when Rachel told us to clean up because I felt like I hardly helped her at all. My favorite part about it was actually revisiting the gallery while painting. I got to get really close to the paintings I'd briefly looked at the first time. Even though I was there to work, I still paid attention to the art. It was a neat experience. I think this seems like a really great profession for me. I am a huge perfectionist and I think I would enjoy keeping an art gallery clean and maintaining its appearance. However I do wish we had more time to really get a feel for the curating side of the business rather than just the maintenance.

1 comment:

  1. Good observations. Well, curating – the "glory" position – is definitely something you work your way up to. Ask Rachel, she started as an intern, then stepped up when someone unexpectedly quit. Also, if you like the idea of curating. Check out the Quadrant Book store in Easton. They have a gallery on the second floor where all kinds of shows have been staged. Last fall, Lauren Doyle (now at Pratt) and Andy Baer (now at Brooklyn College), both NCC Fine Art alumni, put on a group show that was a real hit. Huge opening. If your interested, Lauren's info:
