Monday, April 19, 2010

Meeting with Don Q.

I was not able to meet with Don personally.
Traci Anfuso-Young kindly agreed to show him the paintings that
I have been working on in class.
I am going to post the email she sent me describing the meeting...

"The meeting went really well.He loved your free line expression, use of picture plane, space, composition and conscious interpretation. He said you were the most accomplished in your class. He wanted to know what motivated you to do the abstract. he explained what his work was fundamentally about and explained that all abstract comes from somewhere. he mentioned music, pause, pacing and intensity, something he thought your abstract could use more of????????...He used the word emphasis and that the visual weight was very balanced and equally weighted. He encouraged you to pursue this new level of expression to see where it might take you.He never imagined his work would become so constructed. it's an evolution and you are GREAT!"

other words he used: sophisticated picture making
intuitive not naive
not afraid to make a mark and commit to it.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like DV had a lot to say about your work and even tough you didn't hear it first hand, thanks to Traci, you got some great feedback. I would be interested to hear what he would say about your recent abstract relief pieces – a whole new direction for you.
