Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Truisms/Allentown Art Museum: Deanna


I liked the change of pace on this trip. I initially thought we were going to look at more galleries like we've been doing. It was interesting to see in person that there are places that aren't galleries that use art, in this case, the courthouse. I am not sure how I feel about Jenny Holzer's "Truisms" as a work of art. I would describe it more as poetic because it is all text. I also didn't really understand the benches as her canvas. I think if they were written on the wall in a flowing pattern or something, it would have interested me more. I do however like the idea of collecting all these little bits of life lessons and arranging them in a courthouse. Its kind of satirical in a way. I think that was the idea behind her artwork. Also, as Bruce mentioned and I agree, it was cool how they were mostly statements that were new and not cliche.

I chose as my 5 favorite truisms:

1. "A solid home base builds a sense of self" --if we lose a sense of how we were raised and our roots, we lose ourselves, or, if we have no place to call home, we are lost.

2. "Boredom makes you do crazy things" --a bit self explanatory but: people will do anything to keep themselves entertained

3. "Class structure is as artificial as plastic" --Everyone learns and behaves differently and there is no 'one way' to deal with people as a collective because they'll do what they want

4. "Myths make reality more intelligible" --sometimes things that are made up are so ridiculous it makes our world seem very simple and not so hard.

(---I actually think I would have put this the other way, "Reality makes myths more intelligible")

5. "Protect me from what I want" --People are prone to addiction and should stay away from the things that will harm them.

Allentown Art Museum

1. Jacqueline M Atkins, Chief Curator
A. I think she has a very cool job. Being a curator must be really fun albeit very stressful. I envy that she gets to touch the artwork. Museums always tantalize us with glass and ropes so that we are constantly reminded that we CANNOT TOUCH. I would love to feel all the old fabrics and hold the pottery etc.
B. I can see myself being a curator. I'm a huge perfectionist and I think I can handle the workload.

2. Jane Kintzner, Interim Director of Education

A. The most interesting thing about Jane's job is coming up with fun activities for the kids. I loved her recycled dragon by the crayola factory. It would be fun to come up with all these fun ideas to get the visitors involved.

B. I don't know if this is something I'd do for a living but a lot of people think I should become an art educator so maybe I 'd be pretty good at it.

3. Sofia Bakis, Collections and Exhibitions Dept (Hopefully that is the correct name)

A. I also envy her for getting to take care of the artwork behind the scenes. Its cool that she gets to see them and work with them on a personal level. She gets to see the work at a different light, a different height and a different distance, before they are measured and hung perfectly with just the right lighting. Its kind of like being able to work with celebrities before they put their make up on.

B. I would LOVE to have her job. I think maintaining the quality is not only a challenge but a priority and a privilege.

4. Soody Sisco, Asst Curator of Textiles

A. The most interesting thing about her job is restoring all the old pieces of fabric. I love the idea of preserving history and I admire her patience with those toiles.

B. Although I'd like to say I would love to restore textiles, I really can't see myself in this profession because I'm a pretty pathetic sewer. However, I would love to be a restoration artist in general.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent Post!
    Interesting analysis of Holzer's Truisms, especially #4 "Myths make reality more intelligible" and your follow up,"Reality makes myths more intelligible".

    Art Education? yes I can see you in this field.
    Art museum/gallery work? Yes, I can picture you here as well. (nice to have choices). Both of these are competitive of course, but also necessary. As with all art related carers, you have to go after it. For myself, I sort of fell into gallery work from initially moving art with my '63 Chevy panel truck to working in the gallery itself I then realized I was good at it and really appreciated the role it plays in the art world.
