Friday, February 19, 2010

Howard Crockett - Emil Lukas Studio Reaction

1. What do you feel was the most interesting aspect of this discussion/presentation?

The most interesting aspect of visiting Emil Lukas' studio was the back story behind his fly larvae paintings.  The sequence of events; the fly dying in his puddle painting, the live larvae creating trails on the piece, and the larvae he found in his pocket at that moment create a very interesting reasoning behind why he pursued this type of work.

2. What was the most unexpected thing seen or discussed?

I think the most unexpected thing about this studio visit was the fact that Emil Lukas uses live fly larvae and flies to create his works.  I also found it cool how he actually knew a lot about flies.  For instance he knew the total of varieties of local fly species as well as how the larvae will travel away from light, which helps him get the lines he wants in his paintings.

3. Can you imagine yourself in this profession? If so, what do you like most about it? If not, why?

Yes, I can imagine myself in this profession even more after having this experience of seeing an artist in their studio.  The way Lukas talked about his art was very inspirational because as he was speaking you could tell it was all he was about.  I got the feeling that without art, he would be nothing, or at least that is how he felt. 

4. Additional observations and comments:  I found what he said about being an artist to be very inspirational.  At one point during this visit he said, "1. Do work. 2. Do work better." and after hearing this I took it to heart because as a painter, I would love to master my skills as a photorealist.  The only way I could ever possibly achieve this is through doing my work and over time and practice, doing my work better.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, "Do work. Do work better." is great advice and SO true. Keep going!
