Sunday, February 21, 2010

Miranda Taylor-Emil Lukas studio Visit

1.What do you feel was the most interesting or significant aspect of this discussion/ presentation?
At first I thought is was how he used maggot and thread and how inventive he was but after a few days of thought. I really think that it is how he works in his studio. How me makes just about everything that he uses. I didn't not exspect him to talk and interact with us so well. I know that I have met other artist;they talk about there work and it seemed a little forced and awkward. So, i kind of exspected Emi'l to be like that but he wasn't at all.

2.What was the most unexpected thing seen or discussed?
I did not exspect to see anyone working with maggots and flies. Who new there is so many different types of flies in out area...kind off gross. But, obviosly some one is appriative of the flies. The thread was totally awsome. I was wondering why he did try any other thread like Metalic or silk threads to give a sheen to his work instead of it being matt/flat.

3.Can you imagine yourself in this profession? If so, what do you like the most about it? If not, why?

I could see myself in this profession. I can only hope that I would be able to live just doing small jobs or working part time and then in the rest of my time doing my art work. But I know that the experience id different each person. I just don't want to be sucked into doing a full time job that I don't want to do and then not have anytime to create.

4.Additional observations and comments.

I really had a good time at Emil's studio. He was an amazing speaker. He talked about his work so fluidly. I hope to get to a point that I am able to speak as well as Emil does. I also liked when he talked about going into the studio when he doesn't feel like doing anything that day. I know I have issues with that. Know I understand that it's not me and that Even thought I don't feel like working on something just go and clean or do something else.
I wouldn't mind going back and doing it agian. May be for a longer amount of time. I don't think me got enough time to really think of good questions to ask.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Emil offered a lot and a good window into being an artist. What would metallic threads do if added to the existing thread paintings? They would certainly stand out. Perhaps you should give that a try, along with your furniture finds. "Shiny" draws the eye and gets attention.

    Keep your eye on the prize (every day).
